What do you know about a Nefertiti lift in Turkey? Are you interested in getting a Nefertiti neck style that involves lifting your jawline and neck, removing the signs of aging, and giving you an elongated and thin neck?
If you would like to get the popular neck style of the ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertiti, you should consider performing the Nefertiti lift at Mira clinic!
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What is a Nefertiti lift injection?
Nefertiti lift is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure to get a thin and elegant neck by injecting Botox in the jaw and neck areas. Botox is a substance that is injected into the platysma muscles, blocking the signals from nerves to stop the shrinking process. Wrinkles and creases are created due to platysma muscle contraction.
Nefertiti lift is done easily under local anesthesia, to reduce saggy skin around the lower part of the face and neck and restore a youthful contour.
Who is a good candidate for a Nefertiti lift?
The right candidate for the Nefertiti lift should meet the following criteria:
Enjoy good public health.
Have no chronic diseases, such as the immune system and neurological conditions.
Should not be pregnant or breastfeeding.
You want to get a thin and firm neck profile.
You would like to get a Nefertiti-styled neck.
Pre-operative instructions for Nefertiti lift botox
Follow these pre-operative instructions which can reduce the risk of any complications possible and ensure a successful procedure.
Stop smoking for at least a month before the injection.
Avoid blood-thinning medications or supplements, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, Aleve, Motrin, and Vitamin E, for two weeks before the procedure.
Stop using Retin-A for two days before the procedure.
You should not perform Botox injection for at least a week if you have carried out any active dermal response procedure such as a laser or filler injection or chemical peel.
Stop drinking alcohol for a week before the treatment.
You should remove your makeup before the treatment.
Avoid waxing, bleaching, or tweezing two days before the injection.
How does a botox Nefertiti lift work?
Nefertiti lift goes through these steps:
Your doctor will evaluate first your neck area to determine the treated areas required for Botox injection.
After cleansing and preparing the target areas in your jaw and neck, you will receive local anesthesia, numbing the treated areas, so you don’t experience any pain or discomfort during the injection.
Finally, you are ready for the injection. Your doctor will inject Botox into the target locations via a fine needle to ensure getting an ideal Nefertiti-style neck.
The procedure will last up to 30 minutes. The period of treatment usually differs from patient to patient, depending on the situation of the treated area.
Post-operative instructions for Nefertiti lift technique
To ensure the best results of the procedure and maintain the results, you should consider the following recommendations:
You should take the medications prescribed by the doctor.
Don't rub or massage your face after the treatment for 3 days.
Avoid direct sun or high heat for three days after the injection.
Stay upright for 4 hours directly after the treatment.
Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol for 24 hours after the injection.
Avoid strenuous exercise, sunbathing, and sauna for 2 days after the procedure.
Avoid any other skin treatments, such as laser, chemical peel, and fillers.
Nefertiti lift side effects
Nefertiti lift is associated with some side effects that you should consider:
Redness and bruising at the injection location.
Difficult swallowing
Weakness in the neck
How much does Nefertiti lift cost in Turkey?
Nefertiti lift costs vary from case to case depending on the target area situation, which might include the neck, jawline, and the area around the mouth. Generally, a Nefertiti lift cost in Turkey starts from $500.
Before & After Nefertiti Lift in Turkey 2025: Methods, Recovery, and Costs