Everything you need ahead of your breast reduction surgery

  • last update date 2022-06-28


women breast reduction surgery involves the removal of extra fat from the breasts in order to reduce their size and improve their look.

It is a highly frequent practice; for cosmetic or medical reasons, many women worldwide have their breasts reduced.


Causes of  Breast reduction surgery?

Women with big breasts experience issues like:

  • neck, shoulder, and chest discomfort.
  • swelling beneath the breasts.
  • finding the proper clothing and a bra that suits them is difficult.
  • difficulty working out.
  • embarrassed by the breast's appearance.
  • Women who get breast reduction surgery report increased self-confidence and improved health.

There is often no set age for having this procedure.

However, the doctor could ask to put off this treatment for the following reasons:

  • Teenage females might have to wait till breast growth is finished.
  • Waiting is necessary for women who are still considering having children. Breastfeeding issues may arise as a result of this process.
  • Women who want to lose weight should delay having the operation done because doing so might modify the size and form of their breasts.

To find out if this procedure will provide the desired results or not, it is important to schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon.

Options for breast reduction

There are two methods for minimizing breast size:

  • Breast reduction by surgery.
  • Breast reduction by liposuction.

The best kind for you will be chosen by your surgeon.

Breast reduction surgery is an alternative to liposuction.

By eliminating extra fat from the breast region, it is a non-surgical cosmetic surgery that reduces breast size.

The extra skin and fat cannot be removed during this procedure; only the excess fat may be removed. Therefore, to enhance the look of your breasts after liposuction, you could require a breast lift.

This kind has a lot of attributes, including:

  • When compared to surgery, the recovery time is shorter.
  • So that the liposuction scar is not noticeable afterward, a little incision is required.
  • Surgery has more negative side effects than this.
  • It has no impact on nursing after delivery.
  • It's less expensive than surgery.

However, not every situation is appropriate for liposuction, so speak with your doctor about the surgery that is most appropriate for you.

Breast reduction by surgery

Getting ready for a breast reduction operation

The following topics will be covered during your appointment with your surgeon:

  • The surgeon will review your medical history by asking you a number of questions about your health issues, prior operations, and drugs you may have taken, if any. He will examine you physically and perhaps suggest a blood test.
  • Additionally, he will examine the size of the breasts, the form of the nipple region, and the degree of drooping.
  • The surgeon will go through all the risks involved with this procedure as well as the anticipated outcomes based on your situation.
  • All the directions you need to follow both before and after the operation will be explained to you by the surgeon.
  • The surgeon will hear about the size and form that you desire for your breasts.

Make sure to select a private doctor with vast experience in the field of plastic surgery before scheduling the treatment.

Breast reduction surgery for women

You will be given general anesthetic during the procedure, so you won't experience any discomfort.

In order to begin the procedure, the surgeon will create an incision. There are three possibilities for the incision site:

  • In the vicinity of Areola.
  • From the vicinity of the areola and toward the direction of the breast (keyhole incision).
  • a T-shaped cut.

Then, he will trim away any extra tissue and fat and restructure the nipples to the proper size.

The surgeon will use stitches to seal the incision and gauze to cover your breasts to complete the procedure.

Two to three hours are required for this treatment.


You will be closely monitored by the medical team in the recovery area after surgery to prevent any unanticipated problems.

After a few days, the surgeon will remove the drainage tubes that were placed in you.

Within the first month following the treatment, the swelling around your breasts will go down.

What you will require for self-care throughout your recovery will be explained to you by your surgeon and may include:

  • To support the breasts, put on a specific bra.
  • To prevent any touch with the breast region, use loose clothes.
  • Take time to rest.
  • To prevent any strain on the chest, sleep on your back or your sides.
  • Don't lift anything heavy for six weeks.
  • Spend six weeks avoiding physically demanding activities.
  • As little as feasible, cut back on smoking.

The surgeon will also recommend antibiotics and a painkiller to use as required.

You can resume your regular activities after an average healing time of two weeks.

Risks of breast reduction surgery

Following surgery, you could encounter various adverse effects like:

  • You have numbness and pain near your breasts.
  • Changes in the breasts' and nipples' sensations.
  • temporary bruise scars that might not fully disappear.
  • negative impact of anesthesia.
  • bleedings
  • infection.

In order to safely avoid side effects, make sure to adhere to all of your surgeon's recommendations. So, if you have any unusual problems, call your physician right away.

The result

Although this technique has rapid results, it might take up to a month for the difficulties to go away.

Unless certain variables, such as aging or weight increase or loss, affect the size and contour of the breast, the final results are often permanent.

Cost of breast reduction surgery

Many individuals who want to have cosmetic surgery travel to Istanbul. The affordable costs and the skilled surgeons in this sector are the causes of this.

Surgery for breast reduction varies greatly in price from location to location. It depends on a number of elements, including the location of the hospital, the qualifications of the surgeon, and the nature of the operation.

The cost of liposuction is typically less than that of surgery. For instance, surgery in Turkey costs between $2,500 and $3,000, whereas liposuction costs about $1,500.