Teenagers and Plastic Surgery - When is it Appropriate
  • last update date 2022-03-04

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While cosmetic surgery is generally reserved for adults over the age of 18, in some cases it can be a perfect solution to take care of pronounced or troublesome features in adolescence. Parental consent, as well as the plastic surgeon's agreement that surgery is warranted, will be required for patients under 18 years of age.

If you have a teenager who is extremely bothered by a certain characteristic, cosmetic surgery may be a viable solution if you, your child, and a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon decide together what is the best solution. In recommending surgery, the doctor will consider a number of factors, including your child's stage of growth, the degree of correction needed, his current medical condition and your child's teeth.

teenage surgery women

List of operations compatible with the age of adolescence

Common cosmetic procedures performed on adolescents include (with typical age recommendations

Otoplasty (ear surgery)

The ears can be reshaped and resized, or "pinned back" for a less obvious look. As a rule, they are performed no earlier than 5-9 years.

Rhinoplasty (nose surgery)

Wide or distorted noses can be resized and reshaped for better facial balance. For women with a minimum age of 14-16 and men aged 16-18.

Male breast reduction

Can be performed to reverse a condition called gynecomastia, or male breast enlargement. This is usually deferred until age 18, unless severe.

Breast reduction in women

Can be performed to alleviate the effects of overly large breasts, such as back, shoulder, neck and muscle problems. This is carried out from 14-18 years old.


May be performed to help overweight people tone down specific areas, not recommended for large volumes of fat removal.

The right doctor for your child

When looking for a cosmetic surgeon to consult regarding your child's candidacy for plastic surgery, you want to make sure you find a doctor who:

Has performed many successful procedures on children as well as adults.

Has years of experience performing the particular procedure your child needs.

Is certified in plastic surgery.

Gives you simple answers and paints a realistic picture of what to expect.

Commits to personal care and communication.

Takes the time to fully explain the risks and benefits to you and your child.

With so much marketing around the "ideal" concept of beauty, experienced plastic surgeons should be sensitive to the special needs of teenagers and be able to work with them to communicate procedural information. It's important to accurately assess your child's body goals, make sure your child is realistic in their ideas of normalcy, and make sure your child has reasonable expectations for the outcome of surgery. It is important to take the time to learn all you can about the procedure and to understand the emotional impact surgery can have on your child before making a decision.

Plastic surgery can help your child reverse troublesome or embarrassing genetic characteristics. Ask neighbors and friends in your community to recommend you. If you want to know more about cosmetic surgery for teenagers