Strengthen hair follicles

  • last update date 2022-05-30

There is no doubt about the importance of strengthening hair follicles because it works to strengthen the scalp and hair as a whole, and therefore it becomes difficult for that hair to undergo problems such as sudden hair loss or baldness quickly, which means the prevention of many cosmetic operations that seem costly. For some, simply, strengthening hair follicles is the most important and best way to maintain it, and the fact that doing this requires resorting to a set of common solutions and methods, and all of this we will learn about in some detail in the next few lines, so, if you need to maintain Your hair, be with us.

The importance of strengthening hair follicles

Of course, it is indisputable that resorting to a matter requires first the need to know the importance that we can obtain from it, and if we apply this matter to strengthening hair follicles, we will find that we need this for several reasons, the most prominent of which are the following:

Preserving hair from falling out, as it is known that hair loss is a big problem that affects most people who are exposed to various factors that eventually lead to their hair loss, and in fact what we need here is to only strengthen the follicles so that we can eventually maintain our hair from the risk of shedding.
Avoiding the problem of early baldness, as it is sometimes possible to experience baldness problems and unjustified rapid fall, which we can call early baldness if it occurs in advanced times of age, and in fact the main task for which the desire to strengthen the follicles comes is to maintain On the hair in order to avoid early baldness.
Preserving the luster and the general shape, it is obvious that the hair is a reason for obtaining a good and appropriate general appearance, and therefore maintaining the follicles necessarily requires obtaining an appropriate luster and a general shape of the hair.
Avoiding paying a lot of money for various cosmetic operations, since in the event that hair follicles are not maintained in the required manner, it is natural that there will be a need to perform cosmetic operations that fix the problem of hair loss for any reason, but the important thing here is that we will pay the money, Which we could have avoided if we resorted to strengthening the follicles.

What are the causes of weak hair follicles?

Weak hair follicles is not a good thing at all, and if we really want to treat it in the right way, everything must start from the cause, as we must identify the reasons that lead to and affect the weakness of hair follicles, the most important of which are the following:

There is some imbalance in the hormones, the main important reason for which the hair follicles weaken and fall is the presence of some imbalance in the hormones of the hair, which means that the functions of that person will not be able to cope naturally and will begin to appear in the form of hair loss.
Various genetic causes, it is possible for a person to be born with a specific genetic problem without being aware of this problem, that problem may be related to hair, in a more precise sense, we are talking here about genetic baldness of the first degree, and therefore this baldness will start in the form of hair loss Or weakness in the existing follicles.
Dry hair and not moisturizing it enough, and here we are talking about a problem in the hair related to leaving it dry for a long time without adequately moisturizing it, and therefore it will start to fall out as a result of not maintaining it.
Exposure to chemicals used in the treatment of some diseases, and it is no secret to anyone that people with cancer or any disease that requires chemical intervention suffer the most because they are exposed to a treatment that destroys all hair as part of the treatment, which of course begins with the loss of follicles.
Stress and tension, it is possible for people to suffer from stress and tension without thinking that this will affect many areas of them, including the scalp area, and this will happen in the form of weakness in the follicles and then their fall.

How can hair follicles be strengthened?

The most important and most prominent thing that we can talk about is certainly the ways or means by which hair follicles can be maintained or strengthened appropriately, and in fact let us say that this matter can happen through a set of solutions, it may start with natural solutions related to herbs and oils And so on, and it is possible to resort to treatments and preventive methods, and the beginning will be with those preventive methods that are frequently used in hair care.

Preventive methods for caring for and strengthening hair follicles

Perhaps the most important thing that we must do is to implement some steps that will protect and preserve hair follicles, and this can happen with some practices and methods, the most important of which are the following:

Massaging the scalp, as continuously massaging the scalp using special materials approved by the doctor that do not contain any impurities is very helpful in maintaining the hair and strengthening the follicles incubating it, at least on the surface.
Drinking water in sufficient quantities, which is something that many may not be aware of, but in fact drinking large amounts of water may push the hair follicles to hold together stronger, especially if this matter is repeated a lot and has not been neglected in any way.
Doing exercises and avoiding psychological pressure, some may neglect the link between the scalp and the exercises that are practiced or different sports, but in fact these exercises would maintain the strength and vitality of the follicles, this is unlike, of course, psychological pressure that affects negatively and if it is avoided, the follicles will be more powerful And hold tight.
A lot of healthy foods, proteins and vegetables, as it is quite natural that attention to food and healthy nutrition is a matter of great concern, because foods that do not have the various benefits or that do not depend primarily on healthy food consisting of iron, proteins and vegetables are unreliable foods And its harm is greater than its benefits for the hair follicle.
Avoid drying with thermal products, as some may resort to thermal materials and use them to dry the hair in the belief that they make us obtain excellent results. In fact, we are already obtaining excellent results from a superficial point of view, but on the other hand, this negatively affects the quality and strength of the follicles, so These products should be avoided.
Hair care, and this can be implemented through splitting and knowing the exact type of hair so that it can be dealt with when thinking about any problem that may occur to it, as hair care is an integral part of protecting it.
Use of appropriate hair care materials, as some may use bad materials or those that contain compounds that negatively affect the hair, so it is advised not to resort to these materials without consulting a doctor or specialist.

Natural mixtures to strengthen hair follicles

Apart from the natural methods that can be used to strengthen the follicles, it is also necessary to resort to natural mixtures that serve the same purpose, most notably the following:

Jojoba, very simply, jojoba oil is extracted from its own plant and then the head is massaged with it for at least two days per week, and it is known that this oil performs the task of strengthening hair follicles with great quality and speed.
Peppermint and rosemary oil, which are two types of oils that are mixed well and make sure that they turn into one mixture, then the head is painted with it and a hat is worn for at least an hour, and it is taken into account that the sun is not exposed at that time, and then we start washing the hair through Approved medicinal substances in addition to water.
Onion juice, onion juice directly strengthens hair follicles, and we can simply use this onion by hitting it in the blender completely or grating it in any way until it becomes more like a juice solution, then we can massage the head with it, and take into account that the situation is a finger massage until The massage itself helps to achieve its goal, and the juice methods continue after massaging the scalp with it for at least an hour, then the hair is washed naturally and using conditioner and shampoo, and it is taken into account that this is present for three days per week.

Treatments that help strengthen the follicles

One of the things to keep in mind when thinking about strengthening the follicles is that there are some customized treatments, the most prominent of which are the following:

Stem cells, which are those cells whose goal is to strengthen the location of the follicles and are extracted from the body, but it may take a long time to prepare them and make them capable of dealing with the body, especially since we are talking about a group of places and not one place, also the idea of ​​using these cells is related to their fit with the body to whom you will reply.
Hair Botox, which is the most popular option at the present time because it is the cheapest and fastest at the same time, as the famous Botox injections are used in order to ensure that the hair follicles gain more strength and stiffness and thus do not fall out easily.
Plasma sessions, and these sessions are one of the most important and prominent methods used in treating weak hair follicles at the present time because it depends on one of the basic components of the body, and we are talking here about the blood that is used to extract plasma from it, and then we can control the strengthening of hair by injection with that plasma In the form of a set of successive sessions specified by the doctor, in all cases, the benefit of plasma is that it works to strengthen the follicles and all the tissues in the places where they are injected.

Are women more suffering from weak follicles?

Although the loss of hair follicles and their severe weakness is a matter that affects both males and females alike, it can never be denied the idea that women are more affected and their urgent need to intervene through various methods to eliminate this problem, studies and research have proven that women are most vulnerable to this The danger and the most suffering is also after it occurs, as it is possible of course to accept the idea of ​​baldness for men, but for women, this matter will seem somewhat difficult, and women often have to undergo a lot of costly cosmetic operations to face this danger, although all that is needed in this The beginning, in order to avoid this problem, is to work on strengthening the hair follicles according to the methods and solutions mentioned, no matter what the cost.