Dental crowns in Turkey: Types, placement, and costs

  • last update date 2025-02-27

A Dental crown in Turkey is one of the most common procedures demanded by patients who suffer from highly weakened or widely cavitated teeth. Dental crowns can also be the choice for aesthetic improvement to a more cosmetic appearance. This article discusses the main related issues to dental crowns in Turkey.

Table of contents: 

What is a dental crown?

A dental crown is the artificial coverage of the upper part of the tooth. Due to many reasons, patients can lose their natural dental crown partly or completely. At that point, the tooth-shaped cap made of different materials would be the suitable alternative to restore the natural dental aesthetic and functional roles.

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How dental crowns are made?

The manufacturing steps of dental crowns can vary largely according to the material used for that purpose. For example, constructing metal crowns is a way different from CAD-CAM ceramic crowns. Nevertheless, There are shared stages to reaching the final dental crown. These steps include: 

  1. After tooth preparation, the dentist has to have an impression of the position of the crown to manufacture it accordingly. 

  2. By pouring the impression, the dental technician can have an identical record of the area of the operation. 

  3. The poured cast usually is used to build the dental crown, another mold can be poured. The latter is designed to withstand the manufacturing conditions such as high molding temperatures. 

  4. Through filling the determined area with the suitable dental material, and under the appropriate conditions, the dental crown is fabricated. 

  5. Some treatments and modifications can be needed after this stage to reach the precise shape, size, and color of the crown. 

  6. Final finishing, grinding, glazing, and smoothing done to the crown before delivering it to the dentist.

dental crowns in turkey 2023

Types of dental crowns

Dental crowns can be classified according to longevity into: 

  1. Temporary crowns: dental crowns that are used temporarily to cover the prepared tooth surface. The importance of these crowns lies in providing the needed protection to the remaining tooth structures. This kind of dental crown is usually made of acrylic resin. 

  2. Permanent crowns: unlike temporary, permanent crowns tend to cover the tooth structure for as long as possible. And can be further classified according to the dental material into: 

  • Metal crowns: Many metals can be used in dental crowns such as gold, platinum, cobalt-chromium, and nickel-chromium alloys. Although these crowns do not provide natural looks, they are highly recommended for patients who suffer from very bad oral hygiene. 

  • Porcelain crowns: They can be made as full porcelain or metal fused porcelain crowns. These crowns provide a better match with the natural tooth color. Causing wearing to the opposite tooth could be the main drawback of this type. Besides the probability of porcelain chipping or fracture. 

  • Ceramic crowns: The most aesthetic option among the other dental crown types and the first choice for a front tooth crown.

What type of dental crown is best?

There is no one suitable choice of dental crown for all cases. As there are many factors that affect the dental material that is most recommended for each patient. These factors include: 

  • The oral and dental hygiene of the patient 

  • The position of the dental crown

  • The position of gingival tissues 

  • The condition of the opposing teeth

  • The expectations of the patient and his budget.

How is the dental crown procedure done?

A dental crown procedure is usually performed during two sessions. The first session includes preparing the tooth to receive the permanent crown in the second session. The procedure can vary according to the needed treatments. The common steps in dental crowns include: 

  1. A thorough examination of the tooth-teeth to determine which is limited to the crown or need dental crown and bridge procedure. 

  2. The tooth to receive a dental crown may need extensive stages of preparation especially if the tooth is highly cavitated by caries or fracture. In that case, RCT then a dental crown with a post is needed. 

  3. But, it is important to notice that it is not necessary to do RCT for every case, a dental crown without root canal treatment can also be a suitable choice. 

  4. Preparing the tooth includes removing structural tooth tissues on every dental surface. The width of removal does not exceed 1.5 in most cases, the number changes according to the type of dental crown used.             

  5. Taking an impression of the prepared area and both jaws are coming next. 

  6. The impression is then sent to the dental laboratory for crown fabrication. When the crown is ready and sent back to the dentist, the stage of try-in starts. 

  7. If the crown can be placed comfortably with no disturbance to the occlusion, the crown is then cemented permanently in place. 

dental crowns in turkey 2023

How long do dental crowns last?

The longevity of any dental crown depends on many factors such as the type of dental material, the medical condition of the patient, the oral hygiene level, and the condition of the oral bone and soft tissues. Nevertheless, there is a common average for dental crown lifespan which extends from five to fifteen years.

Why does a dental crown come off?

Some patients may experience falling off the dental crown after cementation. That can be referred to common reasons such as: 

  • Improper cementation conditions, like incomplete isolation from saliva. 

  • Using unsuitable dental cement leads to a loose dental crown. 

  • Decaying of the underlying tooth structure.

Is a dental crown painful?

Both stages of dental crown procedures could be done under local anesthesia. The tooth preparation can not proceed without effective anesthesia to the nerve in position. The placement stage can be performed without anesthesia unless the patient experiences high sensitivity.

When does a dental crown fall out?

A Dental crown can come off the patient's mouth under some circumstances such as biting hard subjects that may cause dental crown fracture and falling, or the existence of bad oral habits like bruxism or abnormal occlusal biting that exert unbalanced force over the crown.

Can a dental crown be removed?

In some cases, the cemented dental crown needs to be removed as a result of feeling pain, or discomfort or to achieve root canal treatment for the tooth. The process of removing a dental crown can be a hard one particularly if it is well-cemented but it is not impossible. Through using the proper dental instruments, the crown can be removed without any damage to the adjacent structures.

How much does a crown cost in Turkey?

The average cost of dental crowns ranges between 800$-1500$ in general. The expenses can differ from geographical region to another. And it is highly affected by the level of medical care received, and the experiences of the dentist. Turkey has been known for low-cost dental crowns keeping a high level of medical efficacy and specialization of caregivers.
