Arm lift surgery details

  • last update date 2022-07-04

Sagging skin and decreased suppleness can be caused by a variety of factors, including severe weight loss, age, and heredity.

The skin on the arm is one of the areas that is impacted by this issue. Thankfully, there is a cosmetic operation that can enhance the arm's look.

A surgical technique called an arm lift targets drooping armpits and tightens the upper arm to give the impression that it is more defined and toned.

It is a risk-free method that produces satisfying outcomes. To undertake any operation, nevertheless, it is imperative to select a reputable surgeon.

to make sure you receive the outcomes you want in terms of cosmetics.


Arm lift dangers

Even though arm lift surgery is a safe treatment, you must be aware of all the dangers involved before having it done.

among these dangers:

  • Enduring scars.
  • Asymmetry in the arms' form.
  • Short-term numbness
  • The treatment region swelling.
  • Muscle or nerve injury.

In addition to the usual risks associated with all procedures, including:

  • Hemorrhage, infection, and brain injury.
  • Negative impact of anesthesia.
  • To safely avoid the dangers, make sure you adhere to all of your surgeon's directions. If you have any unusual problems, call your physician right away.

Getting ready for arm lift surgery

The doctor will meet with you to go through the crucial details of the procedure.

In the course of the conversation, the doctor will:

  • Check your medical history by inquiring about your health issues, prior operations, and drugs used, if any.
  • You could be instructed to stop taking some drugs, such aspirin, or to start taking others in order to prevent blood clots.
  • Physically examine yourself to identify the target regions and the best course of action for you.
  • Describe the potential outcomes, side effects, and dangers of belly tuck surgery.
  • Explain all the guidelines that must be followed both before and after the procedure.

However, you should discuss all of your goals with the doctor, including the outcome you hope to achieve.

Additionally, before leaving the surgeon's office, make sure you have all the answers to your queries.

The operation 

Each person follows this process differently. Depending on your demands and desired outcomes, your doctor will decide on the optimal arm lift surgery for you.

Five primary forms of operation are as follows:

1. Common
The most popular form is a surgery called an upper arm lift. It is utilized to remove extra tissue as well as the extra skin that extends from the armpit to the wrist bone.

For those who have dropped a large amount of weight, this technique works well.

The procedure involves the doctor making an incision from the armpit to the elbow, trimming the extra skin and fat, and then suturing the wound.

2. Micro
This surgery, often known as a minor arm lift, is appropriate for those who have minimal fat and loose skin near the armpit.

Consequently, patients require a little skin reduction on the inside of the upper arms.

This kind is best for persons who have achieved mild weight loss via diet and exercise or who have drooping skin from age.

In order to remove extra fat and draw the skin into the armpit region during a partial arm lift, the surgeon will create an incision in the armpit folds.

The incision is then stitched up, leaving only the armpit exposed.

Compared to the incision formed during an upper arm lift, the incision made during this procedure will be smaller.

3. Lengthy

One of the greatest arm circumference operations for persons who have lost a large amount of weight is an extended arm lift.

The doctor will make an incision that starts from the inside surface and goes beneath the arm region during this surgery. The largest quantity of extra skin and fatty tissue that is present under the arm and on the side of the chest wall is eliminated through this incision.

Sutures are then used to close the incision.

The inner arm's back will bear a noticeable scar from this operation.

4. Lift the two radios in the shape of an L.

It is a technique ideal for those with flabby armpits and extreme laxity of the arm and lateral chest tissues and is sometimes referred to as the "L Arm Lift."

The doctor will create an L-shaped incision from the armpit to the chest at a right angle, as well as an incision extending from the inside surface and behind the arm area, during this treatment.

These incisions allow for the most thorough removal of extra skin and fatty tissue from the side of the chest wall and the region beneath the arm.

The doctor will use sutures to close the wounds after the surgery.

Problems that the expanded method cannot handle can be resolved using this technique.

5. Mini

The T Arm Lift, also known as a short scar lift, is a surgery for persons whose upper arm tissue is moderately loose.

The doctor will make two incisions throughout this operation. While the other will be a little incision on the upper arm, the first will be T-shaped to merge the diamond- or crescent-shaped incision produced during the minor surgery.

The doctor will use these incisions to lift the skin of the arm toward the armpit and tighten the upper arm's slack tissues before closing them.

The surgeon will apply bandages to the wounds when the procedure is finished; they will be taken off in two days.

Depending on the approach the doctor chooses, this surgery lasts two to three hours and can be done under local or general anesthesia.

For spectacular effects, surgeons may occasionally do arm liposuction to remove extra fat.

In addition to the hospital's skilled medical personnel and state-of-the-art technology.


You will spend a few hours in the recovery area following this procedure while being watched by the medical professionals.

If you underwent this operation under local anesthetic and there were no unexpected difficulties, you can return home the same day.

If general anesthesia is required, however, the doctor will request that you spend one night in the hospital.

It would be nice if you had a companion if you had to stay in the hospital, or Hayat Med would send someone to be with you.

For a few days following your arm lift, you could have small tubes to drain extra fluid and blood. How to empty it at home will be explained by the medical personnel.

You may notice some swelling under your arm, which is typical and will progressively go down in the first month following surgery.

Pain could be present. Do not be concerned; the doctor will prescribe antibiotics and painkillers.

Be sure to follow all postoperative instructions, which include:

  • Wear the compression sleeve for about a month to reduce swelling.
  • Keep your arms down.
  • When lifting huge objects, use caution.
  • Stay away from strenuous activity.
  • Reduce your smoking as much as you can.

You can return to work one week later. But you should find out from your surgeon when you may resume your regular schedule.


The edema and other issues after the procedure will go down in approximately a month. The arm will then look better as a result.

Surgery results often last a lifetime. Exercise and maintaining a steady weight, however, might help you keep your results for a longer period of time.

Cost of arm lift surgery

The surgeon will choose the most appropriate procedure for you and all related costs before you have an arm lift operation.

The cost varies according on the difficulty of the procedure, the surgeon's expertise, and the facility's location.

The typical price of an arm lift in Turkey is between $1900 and $2300.

There are several clinics all over the world that offer services in the field of plastic surgery.

Don't merely accept low-cost offers without checking the specialist's qualifications and expertise.