Laser hair removal for men
  • last update date 2022-05-24

More and more people are coming to laser hair removal for men to get rid of unwanted hair effectively and for a long time, and laser hair removal technology is no longer limited to women.

In this article, we learn about the method of laser hair removal, the experiences of laser hair removal for the sensitive area for men, the price of laser hair removal, the advantages and disadvantages, and many other points.

Table of Contents

Laser hair removal for men

Although hair removal and the desire to have smooth skin are inherent characteristics of women, men may need such operations if they have thick hair, or to get rid of armpit, pubic or facial hair, and perhaps to get rid of body hair as a whole.

The laser technology has enabled both sexes to obtain excellent results for long periods that may extend forever without the need to bother removing hair by traditional cumbersome methods.

Laser hair removal is one of the old and somewhat modern operations, as the first operation was performed in 1990, at that time it was a difficult, slow and very painful process, but with time this technology developed and there were different types of laser operations such as the laser used in hair removal, and machines became More accurate, faster and less collateral damage.

How laser hair removal works

Laser hair removal technology relies on the use of a highly focused, high-energy light beam that directs the beam to the hair roots and destroys them completely, just as the sun’s rays are attracted to dark-colored clothes, the laser beam is attracted to black hair more than others.

Therefore, men with dark hair are more fortunate and benefit from those with blonde hair, and in any case, with the development of technologies, everyone is able to obtain excellent results.

Today, in men’s hair removal with laser, several types of devices are used, the choice among them is based on the type of skin and hair as well as the area from which hair is to be removed, and some of them differ from others in their efficiency and speed of performance.

Types of laser hair removal

It is the first type of laser used in hair removal, as the melanin absorbs it to a very high degree, so it gives good results in removing light blond hair for people with white skin, as any percentage of melanin can absorb the laser beam of this device.

It is not recommended to use this device for people with brown skin and black hair, as it may lead to burns in the skin as a result of absorbing large amounts of energy by the melanin pigment, which is found in a high percentage in the skin of these people.

Hair removal using this type of laser takes longer, as it is characterized by a slow frequency and small beam diameter, so it is a high cost technique.

Chrysoberyl laser “ALEXANDRITE LASER”
The fastest laser technology recently used for hair removal, it is characterized by a high frequency coefficient as well as the large diameter of the laser beam, so it can remove hair from very large parts of the body in a short time, but it also suits people with blond hair more than others.

It is characterized by large wavelengths capable of penetrating the layers of the skin, so it is safe and suitable for people with brown skin and black hair.

Its beam is characterized by a large diameter and a high frequency coefficient, so it can be used to remove hair from large areas of the body in a short time. In addition, it can be used to remove all types of hair, but it is less effective in people with white skin and those with light blond hair.

Intense Frequency Light Laser “IPL”
It is used to a very limited extent in hair removal these days, as its use was limited to treating skin pigmentation.

The laser can be used to remove men’s body hair from any area that contains excess unwanted hair without exception. Also, with technical development, it has become possible to remove facial hair with laser for men without any risks.

Laser hair removal can be performed for men of all ages and does not represent any danger, as the doctor takes into account the type of hair and skin when using the laser technology.


When would you consider laser hair removal?

The laser is the ideal solution for people with thick black or brown hair, men who suffer from dense hair in unwanted areas, as well as those who suffer from increased hair growth and are looking for alternative means to the traditional ones that enable them to get rid of hair for long periods.

It is worth noting that people with white skin and black or brown hair are the best fortunate in laser hair removal, while people with blond hair need long periods and more sessions to get satisfactory results. Therefore, care must be taken to choose a skilled doctor and special laser devices that contain a cooling device when removing hair for people with dark skin.

Options available when laser hair removal for men

We mentioned earlier that there are different types of devices used in laser hair removal, and here we explain the most important factors that control the doctor’s choice of a device over another, although the best of all remains the least in radiation energy.

The most important factors that determine the choice of the type of device used in the process of laser hair removal for men:

skin colour
The nature of the hair, the thickness and strength of the hair
The area from which hair is to be removed
Device type
The power, diameter and frequency of the laser beam
skin temperature
Treatment period

Get the right price for you for this process

How do you choose the right doctor?

Choosing a doctor is the most important factor for the success of laser hair removal, so you should be careful to choose a highly skilled and experienced doctor to get results that will satisfy you so as not to waste your money and time. Here are some points that you should not lose sight of when looking for your doctor:

The college he graduated from and the certificates he obtained.
Years of training and experience.
How comfortable you are with the doctor and the medical center where the operation will be performed.
The initial consultation, where you can meet the doctor and inquire about everything on your mind, and on it you can determine whether you will perform the operation on his hands or look for someone else, and because of the importance of this consultation, it has a cost separate from the cost of the operation.
However, the members of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons have a very high level of training and experience.

The initial consultation is one of the most important steps before you go for laser hair removal, so you should tell your doctor

With the results you want to get. It is imperative that you tell your doctor your full medical history, if you have allergies to any treatment and what your concerns are.

Also tell the doctor if you have had surgery before and what complications you have had. Then ask him about the results he expects for you after the operation, what complications he expects to occur, and how you can avoid them. Before you leave, ask your doctor to tell you about the treatment plan and steps, as well as the equipment he uses.

Precautions before laser hair removal for men

After the doctor answers your questions and explains everything about the operation and its expected results, he will give you instructions before starting the treatment. In addition, you will be asked to:

Avoid sunlight before the operation as much as possible and wear protective clothing.
Use a bleaching cream if you have brown skin.
Avoid waxing or something similar at least two weeks before the procedure.
Stop smoking at least six weeks before the operation.
Do not use aspirin and drugs that increase bleeding a month before the operation.
Keep the skin hydrated and drink plenty of fluids and water.
The steps of the laser hair removal process for men
The laser hair removal procedure is done on an outpatient basis without the need for an in-hospital stay and immediately after that you can leave to go back to work. Before starting any step, you will sign a written consent to perform this operation. The operation does not require anesthesia, but the doctor can use an anesthetic gel on the area from which the hair is to be removed, and you may feel some very slight pain and some numbness.

The process takes thirty to sixty minutes, but often you need other sessions at intervals, the number of which depends on the density of the hair and the area of ​​​​the area from which the hair is to be removed. After the session ends, the doctor will follow up with you the implementation of the treatment plan that he explained to you in advance during the consultation.

Laser hair removal results for men

Immediately after the first session, you will notice that your skin has become noticeably smooth and the number of hairs has decreased significantly. There will be some redness and itching that will not last for long if you carefully follow your treatment plan and use the skin creams prescribed to you in the instructions. It should be noted that it is very necessary to spare the treated area for a period of no less than two weeks from sunlight and heat.

Do not hesitate to consult a doctor if the itching and redness persist for a long time and when inflammation and ulcers of the skin occur.

In the period within one to eight weeks after laser hair removal, you may notice an increase in hair in the treated area, because some hair roots may not respond early to the laser beams, so they enter a temporary growth phase that lasts from one to eight weeks, and it is preferable that the doctor follow them only during this period of time.

Hair is removed by close to 100% forever, but this requires a skilled doctor and a number of sessions ranging from 3 to 8 sessions at intervals to make sure that all active roots have been destroyed. However, after years, you may need to repeat the process due to hormonal imbalance and excess, or if you are taking a male hormone-stimulating drug.

Advantages of laser hair removal for men:

Laser is an easy and fast method, with its use it is possible to remove hair permanently for men.
This technology made it easier for men to remove body hair from any visible or hidden area.
It made it possible to remove facial hair for men without the need for traditional hair trimmers.
Disadvantages of laser hair removal for men
Like any operation, it has advantages, it also has symptoms and risks, but it can be overcome by Bach

  • Inflammation and infection in the treated area.
  • Swelling and blood collection may need surgical intervention to remove it.
  • Laser hair removal may cause scarring on the surface of the skin.
  • Change in sensation that may last for long periods.
  • The occurrence of sensitivity and laceration in the underlying tissues under the surface of the skin.
  • The results may be unsatisfactory and do not achieve the objective of the operation.
  • Skin discoloration.
  • Ulcers and rashes occur